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Plastic Engineering Associates Licensing Inc (PEAL) recently announced the first European license of its Turbo-Screws® technology foam feed screws for the production of polylactic acid (PLA) foam sheet and food containers. Bill Fogarty, VP, Plastic Engineering Associates Licensing Inc stated, "W
Visits:275287    News Type:Technological Articles     From:Alibaba.com    Release Time:2009-01-06
Dr Christoph Steger has been appointed head - Marketing and Product Management departments at Cincinnati Extrusion GmbH, Vienna. The new manager, who holds a doctor's degree in business administratio...
Visits:274728    News Type:Technological Articles     From:Alibaba.com    Release Time:2009-01-06
Teknor Apex has established an automotive industry programme capable of serving as a single source for manufacturers that use diverse types of plastics compounds. The programme is staffed by specialists in automotive applications for thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs), engineering thermoplastics (E
Visits:274682    News Type:Technological Articles     From:Alibaba.com    Release Time:2009-01-06
European Bioplastics recently released a position paper on life cycle assessment (LCA) of bioplastics, outlining the opportunities and needs of this analytical tool. This paper addresses the careful ...
Visits:274642    News Type:Technological Articles     From:Alibaba.com    Release Time:2009-01-06
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