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Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) has reaffirmed its policy of conducting the necessary research and develo
Visits:293622    News Type:Policies And Rules     From:Made In China.com    Release Time:2008-03-24
The Minister for Chemicals & Fertilisers and Steel, Shri Ram Vilas Paswan will release the National Policy on Petrochemicals.
Visits:293535    News Type:Policies And Rules     From:Made In China.com    Release Time:2008-03-24
To maintain the China-EU textile trade develope healthily and sta
Visits:293628    News Type:Policies And Rules     From:Made In China.com    Release Time:2008-03-24
Traditional arts craftsmen will be eligible for a new government subsidy if they take on two or more apprentices, according to a new regulation assessing traditional artworks, collections an...
Visits:296189    News Type:Policies And Rules     From:Made In China.com    Release Time:2008-03-24
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