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BEIRUT, Dec. 13 (Xinhua) -- Lebanese Shiite armed group Hezbollah said Saturday that as long as there is "resistance," entire Palestinian territory shall remain Palestine, local Nahsrnet website reported. "As long as the resistance pulse still beats, Palestine shall remain Palesti
Visits:271538    News Type:Company Trends     From:Made In China.com    Release Time:2008-12-14
OTTAWA, Dec. 13 (Xinhua) -- A disgruntled ex-employee walked into his former company's Christmas party in Canada's Vancouver and opened fire, killing one man, reports reaching here said Satu...
Visits:271458    News Type:Company Trends     From:Made In China.com    Release Time:2008-12-14
TEHRAN, Dec. 13 (Xinhua) -- An Iranian lawmaker said here on Saturday that Iran's parliament (Majlis) first vice speaker Mohammad Hassan Aboutorabi-Fard would travel to Egypt in the near future, the official IRNA news agency reported. The lawmaker, Mahmoud Ahmadi, who is also a me
Visits:271665    News Type:Company Trends     From:Made In China.com    Release Time:2008-12-14
TAIPEI, Dec. 13 (Xinhua) -- Taiwan's former leader Chen Shui-bian was released early Saturday morning on his own recognizance after a month's detainment and indictment on corruption charges....
Visits:271688    News Type:Company Trends     From:Made In China.com    Release Time:2008-12-13
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