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Chinese special envoy calls for immediate ceasefire in Gaza
Release Time: 2009/1/12 0:00:00        From: Made In China.com        Visits: 279324        Font Size: Large  Middle  Small
Special report: Palestine-Israel Conflicts

CAIRO, Jan. 12 (Xinhua) -- China's special envoy on the Middle East issue Sun Bigan on Monday called on all concerned parties to abide by the UN Security Council Resolution 1860 and cease all military actions immediately and take measures to ease the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Sun made the remarks when meeting with Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa in Cairo on Monday morning.
During his meeting with Moussa, Sun Bigan put forward Chinese government's five standpoints on current Middle East situation.
1. We call on all parties concerned to abide by the UN Security Council Resolution 1860, and cease all military actions immediately to avert more casualties.
2. Measures should be taken to ease the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. A stable channel for supply of humanitarian aid including food, medicine and fuel for Gaza should be open at the earliest time possible, and parties concerned should provide the necessary guarantee in this regard.
3. Parties concerned should establish, through negotiation, a ceasefire monitoring mechanism in Gaza and work to create durable security and stability there.
4. The Palestine-Israel peace talks should resume at the earliest time, and efforts should be made to seek solution to issues related to the final status of Palestine on the basis of mutual-trust, so that an independent Palestinian state will be established as early as possible and the "two states" of Palestine and Israel will co-exist peacefully.
5. The international community should increase mediating efforts for peace and promote a comprehensive, just and durable settlement of the Middle East issue. China is ready to work with parties concerned and makes unremitting efforts in this regard.

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