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Zinc oxide

Product Price: Wage Negotiable
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  • Manufacturer: Tianjin Talents International Trade Co., Ltd.
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  • Issuing Date: 2008-12-31
  • Visit: 2259
Product Details
Znic oxide
Physical and chemical properties: the white hexagonal crystalline or powder. Tasteless, non-toxic, Zhi Xini. The relative density of 5.606. Refractive index of 2.008-2.09. Melting point 1975 C, dissolved in acid, sodium hydroxide, ammonium chloride, water-insoluble, ethanol and ammonia, a gender oxides in the air and absorb carbon dioxide and water generated carbonate zinc yellow, heated to turn yellow, cooling recovery White, not through the UV, the same event and hydrogen sulfide.

Use: white pigment used for printing and dyeing, paper, matches, medicine, industry. In rubber industry as natural rubber, synthetic rubber and latex curing the active agent, reinforcing agents and coloring agent. Also used in chrome yellow paint zinc, zinc acetate, zinc carbonate, zinc chloride, and other manufacturers. It was also used in electronic laser materials, phosphor, feed, etc.
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