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Rubber tracks

Product Price: Wage Negotiable
  • Product Model:
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  • Manufacturer: Tianjin Talents International Trade Co., Ltd.
  • Region:
  • Issuing Date: 2008-12-31
  • Visit: 3471
Product Details

The main components: natural rubber, synthetic rubber additives, and environmental protection
  Product mix: high-density surface for wear-resistant layer anti-aging
Micro-flexible foam for the bottom layer
And the bottom layer from the surface of raw materials, forming a one-time production

Features: 1, the product of the anti-skid surface is the use of prefabricated molding die printing process produced, it is wear out and no particle phenomena.
        2, the product of the surface using glue with high-volume formula to add high wear-resistant materials and formulations to ensure that the product has a strong pull-strength and very good thorn nailed resistance, wear-resistant performance.
        3, flexible products for internal micro-foam, which can fully guarantee that the product has good flexibility, even if the use of outdoor products in the 10 years after its flexibility can also achieve the desired effect of the campaign.
       4, to adopt environment-friendly products, natural rubber, synthetic rubber and the red-green (green) color inorganic pigments, in order to ensure environmental protection products, light, color and anti-aging properties.
      5, the use of precast products molding methods of production to ensure product uniformity of thickness, elasticity uniform, the targets are exceeded IAAF requirements.
     6, construction products, simple, durable, easy maintenance.

The scope of application: apply to all levels of track and field venue, but also can be used for teaching, training venues.

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